Monday, September 30, 2013

Should I? Or Shouldn't I?

There are many foods to avoid when you are expecting. Here is a list and a little background on why they should be avoided.

1. Unwashed vegetables
  • Toxoplasmosis may contaminate the soil where the vegetables were grown.

2. Soft cheeses
  •  May contain E. coli or Listeria.
  • You SHOULD choose cheeses that are hard or make sure they are made from pasteurized milk.

cheese during pregnancy
Soft Cheese

3. Raw/Undercooked meats or Deli meats
 4. Pate 
  • For these two the main concern is again Listeria So either heat to 165 F or with the pate eat it canned.
Deli Meat During Pregnancy
Deli Meat

5. Fish with mercury 
  • High levels of mercury can cause developmental delays and brain damage.
  • Shoot for 12 ounces of fish per week that are low in mercury and limit tuna to 6 ounces per week.
6. Smoked seafood
7. Fish exposed to industrial pollutants
  • Eat canned versions of these as well or heat to 165 F
Smoked seafood during pregnancy
Smoked Seafood

8. Raw shellfish
  • Raw shellfish are a concern for everybody and should be avoided altogether when you are pregnant.
  • It may contain parasites or bacteria.
  • Cook to 145 F.
Shellfish During pregnancy
Raw Shellfish

9. Raw eggs/ Cookie dough
  • May contain Salmonella
  • Bake the cookies or don't use eggs!
File:Raw cookie dough in cookie clumps.jpg
Cookie Dough


10. Unpasteurized milk/juice
  • May contain E. coli
  • Bring to a rolling boil for 1 minute before drinking. 
11. Alcohol
  • NO AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL  is safe for consumption during pregnancy. 
  • It can cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), which is the ONLY 100% preventable birth defect!
Alcohol during Pregnancy

12. Caffeine 
  •  Only in moderation. There is evidence to show that it can be related to miscarriages, but most says moderate intake.
  • As a rule only take in 200mg or less per day.

Pregnancy suppresses your immune system and can make your unborn child susceptible to many microorganisms that can cause food-borne illness. Some of these foods that may contain Listeria have been shown to cause miscarriages. If you are ever in doubt, don't eat it, OR cook it to the appropriate temperatures listed to kill off the harmful bacteria. 
Foods to Avoid
Food Safety Gov Checklist

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